Integrated Land and Resource Governance II (ILRG II) Y1 Annual Report


The Integrated Land and Resource Governance II (ILRG II) Task Order supports the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Land and Resource Governance Division in the Center for Natural Environment in the Bureau of Resilience, Environment and Food Security (REFS). The project develops, implements, assesses and evaluates interventions that secure land tenure and resource rights and strengthen governance systems. ILRG II identifies and addresses barriers to secure land and resource governance, supporting a range of development objectives such as combating climate change, promoting food security, conserving biodiversity, advancing gender equality and social inclusion, engaging the private sector, preventing conflict, supporting sustainable urbanization, and enabling localization. The project provides technical assistance to strengthen and secure land tenure and resource rights for women, men, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, youth, persons with disabilities, and other marginalized groups in USAID-presence countries. Additionally, ILRG II enhances the capacity of stakeholders to advocate for their rights and improves the systems responsible for implementing these rights. ILRG II also supports rigorous research and analysis to better understand effective strategies for achieving these goals and the connections between land and resource governance and other development outcomes. Through this work, USAID fosters
equitable and resilient societies where land and resource governance rights are respected and leveraged for inclusive, broad-based growth.

ILRG II is a five-year contract that was awarded in September 2023. This first annual report covers September 2023 to September 2024.

Integrated Land and Resource Governance II (ILRG II) Quarterly Progress Report: April – June 2024

ILRG II 2024 Q3 QPR cover imageThe purpose of the Integrated Land and Resource Governance II (ILRG II) Task Order is to provide support to the Land and Resource Governance (LRG) Division in the Centerfor Natural Environment in the Bureau of Resilience, Environment and Food Security (REFS) at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to develop, implement, assess and evaluate interventions that secure land tenure and resource rights and strengthen LRG systems. ILRG II will help identify constraints and barriers to secure land and resource governance to support multiple development objectives, including combating climate change, promoting food security, supporting biodiversity conservation, enabling gender equality, women’s empowerment and social inclusion, engaging with the private sector, preventing and mitigating conflict, supporting sustainable urbanization and enabling localization, among others. ILRG II will provide technical assistance services to strengthen and secure the land tenure and resource rights of women, men, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, youth, persons with disabilities, and other marginalized and underrepresented populations in USAID-presence countries. It aims to improve the LRG systems that are responsible for implementing these rights, as well as strengthen the capacity of stakeholders to better advocate for their own rights. It will support rigorous research and analysis to improve understanding of what works and does not work to achieve these outcomes, including the linkages between land and resource governance and other development outcomes. Through this work, USAID seeks to promote development of equitable and resilient societies where land and resource governance rights are respected and utilized to create broad-based growth for all.

To secure the land tenure and resource rights of local people and communities and strengthen LRG systems, ILRG II seeks to achieve the following four objectives:

  1. Strengthen enabling environments to promote inclusive legal and policy frameworks for land and resource governance in formal and customary settings;
  2. Enhance the capacity of key stakeholders and partners in government, civil society, local communities and the private sector to implement inclusive land and resource governance laws and practices;
  3. Build innovative partnerships with the private sector that enable responsible land-based investing to promote resilience; and
  4. Support robust monitoring, evaluation, research and learning activities to improve land and resource governance programming.

ILRG II is a five-year contract that was awarded in September 2023. This third quarterly report covers April to June 2024. During this quarter, ILRG II implemented the fourth and final phase of the mid-term evaluation of the Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Rights and Development (IPARD) program in Panama, Honduras, and Guatemala. ILRG II continued to provide technical and capacity strengthening support to key non-governmental and governmental stakeholders in the women’s land rights, wildlife, and natural resource space in Zambia, building on relationships established under the ILRG program. Scoping work continued for the Gender Equality and Cocoa Climate Activity (GECCA) to promote women’s empowerment and sustainable agroforestry in Ghana with funding from the Gender Equity and Equality Action (GEEA) Incentive Fund at USAID, as well as the Washington-funded Gender Equality andILRG II Quarterly Report (April – June 2024) 2 Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) Cocoa activity in Côte d’Ivoire. A legal analysis, feasibility assessment, and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) analysis were initiated and will inform the GECCA project implementation plans. ILRG II released a Request for Applications and reviewed concept papers for the Environmental Defenders grant program. A concept note on a proposed Green Cities/Adaptation pilot in peri-urban Malawi was completed and ILRG II initiated the planning of a Scenario Analysis to affirm the feasibility of the concept and inform site selection. The project also supported a number of smaller research tasks.

USAID/Vietnam Sustainable Forest Management Activity FY2024 Q2 Report: Jan – Mar 2024

Executive Summary

The USAID Vietnam Sustainable Forest Management Activity (the Project) team is pleased to present the Fiscal Year 4, Quarter 2 Progress Report, which summarizes progress from January 1 through March 31, 2024. This quarter, the Project built on momentum across all five Objectives in seven target provinces to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of Vietnam’s natural forests, and to sustainably improve forest and plantation management practices.

FY24 Q2 in Numbers:
By the end of FY24 Q2, the project reached the following achievements:

  • 36,415 people trained.
  • 63 policies or plans have been developed.
  • $33.36 million has been mobilized for forest management.
  • 61,356 people have received livelihood co-benefits.
  • 5,407,714 tons of CO2 emissions have been reduced, sequestered, or avoided.
  • 14,926,873 tons of CO2 will be avoided from the adoption of policies supported by the Project.
  • 141,401 ha under improved management.

USAID/Vietnam Sustainable Forest Management Activity FY2024 Q1 Report: Oct – Dec 2023

Executive Summary

The USAID Vietnam Sustainable Forest Management Activity (the Project) team is pleased to present the Fiscal Year 4, Quarter 1 Progress Report, which summarizes progress from October 1 through December 31, 2023. This quarter, the Project built on momentum across all five Objectives in seven target provinces to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation of Vietnam’s natural forests, and to sustainably improve forest and plantation management practices.

FY24 Q1 in Numbers:
By the end of FY24 Q1, the project reached the following achievements:

  • 34,767 people trained.
  • 61 policies or plans have been developed.
  • $33.6 million has been mobilized towards conservation-friendly enterprises.
  • 61,356 people have received livelihood co-benefits.
  • 5,407,714 tons of CO2 emissions have been reduced, sequestered, or avoided.
  • 14,926,873 tons of CO2 will be avoided from the adoption of policies supported by the Project.
  • 141,401 ha under improved management.

Integrated Land and Resource Governance II (ILRG II) Quarterly Progress Report: Jan. – Mar. 2024


thumbnail of the ILRG II quarterly report cover pageThe purpose of the Integrated Land and Resource Governance II (ILRG II) Task Order is to provide support to the Land and Resource Governance (LRG) Division in the Center for Natural Environment in the Bureau of Resilience, Environment and Food Security (REFS) at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to develop, implement, assess and evaluate interventions that secure land tenure and resource rights and strengthen LRG systems. ILRG II will help identify constraints and barriers to secure land and resource governance to support multiple development objectives, including combating climate change, promoting food security, supporting biodiversity conservation, enabling gender equality, women’s empowerment and social inclusion, engaging with the private sector, preventing and mitigating conflict, supporting sustainable urbanization and enabling localization, among others. ILRG II will provide technical assistance services to strengthen and secure the land tenure and resource rights of women, men, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, youth, persons with disabilities, and other marginalized and underrepresented populations in USAID-presence countries. It aims to improve the LRG systems that are responsible for implementing these rights, as well as strengthen the capacity of stakeholders to better advocate for their own rights. It will support rigorous research and analysis to improve understanding of what works and does not work to achieve these outcomes, including the linkages between land and resource governance and other development outcomes. Through this work, USAID seeks to promote development of equitable and resilient societies where land and resource governance rights are respected and utilized to create broad-based growth for all.

To secure the land tenure and resource rights of local people and communities and strengthen LRG systems, ILRG II seeks to achieve the following four objectives:

  1. Strengthen enabling environments to promote inclusive legal and policy frameworks for land and resource governance in formal and customary settings;
  2. Enhance the capacity of key stakeholders and partners in government, civil society, local communities and the private sector to implement inclusive land and resource governance laws and practices;
  3. Build innovative partnerships with the private sector that enable responsible land-based investing to promote resilience; and
  4. Support robust monitoring, evaluation, research and learning activities to improve land and resource governance programming.

ILRG II is a five-year contract that was awarded in September 2023. This second quarterly report covers January to March 2024. During this quarter, ILRG II began in-country implementation work on the mid-term evaluation of the Indigenous Peoples Alliance for Rights and Development (IPARD) program in Panama and Honduras and continued to provide technical and capacity strengthening support to key non-governmental and governmental stakeholders in the women’s land rights, wildlife, and natural resource space in Zambia, building on relationships established under the ILRG program. Scoping work continued for the Gender Equality and Cocoa Climate Activity (GECCA) to promote women’s empowerment and sustainable agroforestry in Ghana with funding from the Gender Equity and Equality Action (GEEA) Incentive Fund at USAID, as well as the Washington funded Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) Cocoa activities in Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire. ILRG II developed terms of reference for the Environmental Defenders grant program, and held initial discussions on the Green Cities/Adaptation work stream, which may support peri-urban land use planning in Malawi. ILRG II also supported a number of smaller research tasks.

Integrated Land and Resource Governance II (ILRG II) Quarterly Progress Report: Sept.-Dec. 2023

ILRG2 QPR Y1Q1 cover imageThe launch of ILRG II during this past quarter was primarily focused on clarifying project objectives, advancing early contract deliverables, and carrying out initial engagements with project partners, while the core team associated with ILRG II (both within Tetra Tech and USAID) finished completing close out tasks under the predecessor ILRG contract. As ILRG II considered multiple, multi-year activity development and start-up ideas for the coming six months, ILRG II and USAID communicated frequently to ensure common prioritization. During this quarter, ILRG II’s contracting office (CO) management moved to the Office of Acquisition and Assistance division that supports the Bureau for Resilience, Environment and Food Security, and a dedicated CO has not yet been assigned to the contract.

By the end of the quarter, ILRG II had initiated implementation of the IPARD evaluation, as well as confirmed two countries for long-term implementation (with progress on a third). The ILRG II team was able to meet with each of its core subcontractors who were actively engaged in two start-up workshops with USAID and work planning. The primary challenge of this quarter was associated with starting up ILRG II while completing final deliverables and close out tasks under ILRG.

Quarterly Activity Progress Report No. 15, Quarter 1, Fiscal Year 2023 (Oct. 1 – Dec. 31, 2022)


A group of men and women holding certificates in their hands are gathered for a group photo.United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Ethiopia contracted Tetra Tech as the prime contractor to implement the five-year Feed the Future Ethiopia Land Governance Activity (LGA) Task Order under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights II (STARR II) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract. Tetra Tech will implement the LGA over a five-year period from May 2019 to May 2024. This Quarterly Report No. 15 summarizes implementation progress made during the period of October 1 – December 31, 2022 (Quarter 1, FY 2023).

LGA’s purpose is to support the Government of Ethiopia (GOE), its regions, and citizens to strengthen land governance, increase incomes, reduce conflict, and support well-planned urbanization, thereby contributing to the country’s Ten-Year Development Plan. To help achieve these goals, LGA is implementing interventions under two components:

Component 1: Strengthening the land governance system

1. Facilitate policy reforms and strengthen land administration and land use institutions by promoting structural reforms of rural and urban institutions and the land information system.
2. Improve technical capacity for suitable land administration and land use planning activities to address emerging issues, such as urbanization, industrialization, and youth.
3. Conduct policy-oriented research on land governance and provide scalable solutions to improve land governance.

Component 2: Expanding communal land tenure security in pastoral areas

1. Expand communal land tenure security in pastoral areas through improved policy and legal reform.
2. For pastoral community lands, develop a scalable approach for land demarcation, registration, and certification in collaboration with community institutions.

Quarterly Activity Progress Report No. 14, Quarter 4, Fiscal Year 2022 (Jul. 1 – Sept. 30, 2022)


A large group is seated under a tree, watching several speakers.United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Ethiopia contracted Tetra Tech as the prime contractor to implement the five-year Feed the Future Ethiopia Land Governance Activity (LGA) Task Order under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights II (STARR II) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract. Tetra Tech will implement the LGA over a five-year period from May 2019 to May 2024. This Quarterly Report No. 14 summarizes implementation progress made during the period of July 1 – September 30, 2022 (Quarter 4, FY 2022).

LGA’s purpose is to support the Government of Ethiopia (GOE), its regions, and citizens to strengthen land governance, increase incomes, reduce conflict, and support well-planned urbanization, thereby contributing to the country’s Ten-Year Development Plan. To help achieve these goals, LGA is implementing interventions under two components:

Component 1: Strengthening the land governance system

1. Facilitate policy reforms and strengthen land administration and land use institutions by promoting structural reforms of rural and urban institutions and the land information system.
2. Improve technical capacity for suitable land administration and land use planning activities to address emerging issues, such as urbanization, industrialization, and youth.
3. Conduct policy-oriented research on land governance and provide scalable solutions to improve land governance.

Component 2: Expanding communal land tenure security in pastoral areas

1. Expand communal land tenure security in pastoral areas through improved policy and legal reform.
2. For pastoral community lands, develop a scalable approach for land demarcation, registration, and certification in collaboration with community institutions.

Quarterly Activity Progress Report No. 13, Quarter 3, Fiscal Year 2022 (Apr. 1 – June 30, 2022)


A man watches over a large herd of camels in a field..United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Ethiopia contracted Tetra Tech as the prime contractor to implement the five-year Feed the Future Ethiopia Land Governance Activity (LGA) Task Order under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights II (STARR II) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract. Tetra Tech will implement the LGA over a five-year period from May 2019 to May 2024. This Quarterly Report No. 13 summarizes implementation progress made during the period of April 1 – June 30, 2022 (Quarter 3, FY 2022).

LGA’s purpose is to support the Government of Ethiopia (GOE), its regions, and citizens to strengthen land governance, increase incomes, reduce conflict, and support well-planned urbanization, thereby contributing to the country’s Ten-Year Development Plan. To help achieve these goals, LGA will implement activities under two components:

Component 1: Strengthening the land governance system

1. Facilitate policy reforms and strengthen land administration and land use institutions by promoting structural reforms of rural and urban institutions and the land information system.
2. Improve technical capacity for suitable land administration and land use planning activities to address emerging issues, such as urbanization, industrialization, and youth.
3. Conduct policy-oriented research on land governance and provide scalable solutions to improve land governance.

Component 2: Expanding communal land tenure security in pastoral areas

1. Expand communal land tenure security in pastoral areas through improved policy and legal reform.
2. For pastoral community lands, develop a scalable approach for land demarcation, registration, and certification in collaboration with community institutions.

Quarterly Activity Progress Report No. 12, Quarter 2, Fiscal Year 2022 (Jan. 1 – Mar. 31, 2022)


Several men look on as a man with a pointer motions to a particular area of a map hung on an outdoor wall.United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Ethiopia contracted Tetra Tech as the prime contractor to implement the five-year Feed the Future Ethiopia Land Governance Activity (LGA) Task Order under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights II (STARR II) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract. Tetra Tech will implement the LGA over a five-year period from May 2019 to May 2024. This Quarterly Report No. 12 summarizes implementation progress made during the period of January 1 – March 31, 2022 (Quarter 2, FY 2022).

LGA’s purpose is to support the Government of Ethiopia (GOE), its regions, and citizens to strengthen land governance, increase incomes, reduce conflict, and support well-planned urbanization, thereby contributing to the country’s Ten-Year Development Plan. To help achieve these goals, LGA will implement activities under two components:

Component 1: Strengthening the land governance system

1. Facilitate policy reforms and strengthen land administration and land use institutions by promoting structural reforms of rural and urban institutions and the land information system.
. Improve technical capacity for suitable land administration and land use planning activities to address emerging issues, such as urbanization, industrialization, and youth.
3. Conduct policy-oriented research on land governance and provide scalable solutions to improve land governance.

Component 2: Expanding communal land tenure security in pastoral areas

1. Expand communal land tenure security in pastoral areas through improved policy and legal reform.
2. For pastoral community lands, develop a scalable approach for land demarcation, registration, and certification in collaboration with community institutions.