Libya: Supporting the Justice and Security Sector through Property Rights in Libya

Project Countries: Libya
Thematic Issues: Conflict, Economic Growth
Project Duration: 2013 to 2013

Through the Supporting the Justice and Security Sector through Property Rights in Libya (SJSSPR) project, USAID used interventions that targeted property rights as the primary lens through which to work with Libyans to help them deliver justice and security. Property rights has been the primary focus of this project because its multidimensional nature allowed USAID…Read More

Through the Supporting the Justice and Security Sector through Property Rights in Libya (SJSSPR) project, USAID used interventions that targeted property rights as the primary lens through which to work with Libyans to help them deliver justice and security. Property rights has been the primary focus of this project because its multidimensional nature allowed USAID to support the evolution of Libya’s conflict resolution systems, which thereby helped mitigate potential conflict, as property rights appeared to be a primary source of potential conflict throughout Libya.


  • Gain a better understanding of the local security and justice dynamics related to property rights, and identify possible interventions to inform Libyan efforts and USG programming.
  • Support the efforts of local actors to better understand and respond to housing, land, and property disputes through improved dispute resolution systems and procedures.
  • Improved economic growth and increased private-sector investment
  • Work with Libyan actors to identify and analyze critical and systematic housing, land, and property issues and other related critical grievances.
  • Ensure significant issues uncovered during the work of the project—including those related to gender and minorities—are discussed, debated, and are brought to requisite level of government attention.


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