Supporting the Policy Environment for Economic Development (SPEED+)

Project Countries: Mozambique
Thematic Issues: Economic Growth
Project Duration: 2016 to 2020
Approximate Funding: $37,000,000

SPEED+ Is working to further develop a favorable business environment to attract investment and expand markets, with the goal of contributing to inclusive economic growth and the conservation of natural resources. The project works across critical sectors to link together reforms across four components: (1) agriculture, (2) trade and business enabling environment, (3) power and…Read More

SPEED+ Is working to further develop a favorable business environment to attract investment and expand markets, with the goal of contributing to inclusive economic growth and the conservation of natural resources. The project works across critical sectors to link together reforms across four components: (1) agriculture, (2) trade and business enabling environment, (3) power and water, and (4) biodiversity conservation, while improving government transparency and fostering new public-private partnerships. The project supports multiple global initiatives of the US government including the Feed the Future (FTF) Presidential Initiative, Trade Africa, the USAID Biodiversity Policy, the US National Strategy to Combat Wildlife Trafficking, Power Africa, and the Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund.


  • Improving the Agricultural Policy Framework
  • Improving the Trade and Investment Policy Framework
  • An Improved Water Policy Framework
  • An Improved Biodiversity Conservation Policy Framework

As part of the agriculture component, SPEED+ is currently supporting the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development to introduce reforms in the legal framework governing land rights, aimed at facilitating fluidity in the land market while protecting tenure of small holders.


In 2019, SPEED+ supported counterparts at the Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development (MITADER) to complete a package of four priority land law and administration reforms which will enhance accessibility and security of formal land tenure, and stimulate an increase in land-based investment by clarifying, simplifying and providing more certainty on land use titles. SPEED+ work centered on the procedures and rules governing the DUATs (Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento de Terra/Land Use and Benefit Right), specifically (1) Acquisition, (2) Revocability, (3) Transferability, and (4) Community Consultation.

Additional Resources

Mozambique: Even a Progressive Land Law Needs Revision After a Generation of Experience

Mozambique is widely regarded as having a modern and progressive land tenure framework, following the enactment of the 1997 Land Law. However, in its implementation, the law has not always lived up to its promise. Twenty years of experience reveals a number of areas in which the legal framework would benefit from revision and better serve its primary aims of promoting productive land use while protecting legitimate customary and smallholder land rights.

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