PRADD CAR Environmental Rehabilitation and Artisanal Diamond Mining

This report presents an in-depth case study of the Post-Mining Income-Generating Environmental Rehabilitation program (POMIGER) implementation in the Central African Republic (CAR) as part of the Property Rights Artisinal Diamond Development (PRADD) project. The first chapter of this report presents the study’s mixed-methods methodology, a literature review that synthesizes academic studies and technical assistance reports related to artisanal diamond mining, land tenure, sustainable livelihoods, and environmental impact mitigation. In Chapter 2, POMIGER activities are examined descriptively and empirically, including its conceptual foundations, the current extent of adoption, and the contextual factors motivating its growth. Chapter 3 examines the project’s economic and environmental impact and viability, in addition to the replication potential of the model’s principles and practices. This report presents key empirical findings and analysis, but is also interspersed with numerous profiles, stories, and anecdotes from the field. The goal is to offer a textured, detailed, and accurate analysis that will critically bring to life both the small and larger picture of the program.