Artisanal Mining and Prosperity Rights (AMPR) Under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights II (STARR II) IDIQ Work Plan: October 1, 2020 – September 2021


The Artisanal Mining and Property Rights (AMPR) Task Order (TO) supports the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Land and Urban Office’s goal to improve land and resource governance and strengthen property rights for all members of society, especially women. Its purpose is to address land and resource governance challenges in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector using a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating appropriate and applicable evidence, tools, and methods. The three-year project, which began in September 2018 and consists of two additional option years, is implemented primarily in the Central African Republic (CAR). Throughout implementation, AMPR will:

  • Serve as USAID’s flagship project for addressing complex development challenges around the ASM sector in the CAR with a primary focus on diamonds and a secondary focus on gold.
  • Promote legal, responsible supply chains, and strengthen social cohesion in mining areas.
  • Build on Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development (PRADD) I and II to solidify progress achieved in the CAR to date.
  • Provide on-demand short-term technical assistance (STTA) on development challenges associated with ASM to various USAID Operating Units (OUs) around the globe.

AMPR is structured around four objectives:

  • Objective 1: Assist the Government of the CAR (GoCAR) to improve compliance with Kimberley Process (KP) requirements to promote licit economic opportunities.
  • Objective 2: Strengthen community resilience, social cohesion, and response to violent conflict in the CAR.
  • Objective 3: Increase awareness and understanding of the opportunities and challenges of establishing responsible gold supply chains in the CAR.
  • Objective 4: Improve USAID programming through increased understanding of linkages between ASM and key development issues.

Ten Intermediate Results (IRs) further define activity areas under each Objective. These activity areas are defined in the AMPR contract.

Inter-Project Coordination and Collaboration

The Year III Work Plan is prepared in close collaboration with the World Bank (WB) Natural Resources Management (PGRN) project and the European Union (EU) Strengthening Governance of CAR’s Artisanal Diamond and Gold Mining Sectors (GODICA) project. To assure synergies between these three institutions supporting the Ministry of Mines and Geology (MMG), the MMG convened all donors for a technical working session in September 2019 and formalized this in a working group created in April 2020. The list of contributions of each project to the Ministry are listed in Annex 4.9 below, Summary of Collaborative Programs with other Donors.

Organization of Work Plan

The work plan is organized around the Objectives, IRs, and Activities as described in the AMPR contract. For each contractual activity, the following aspects are presented: a description of the overall activity context and aims, a description of specific annual activities to be carried out, a summary of roles and responsibilities, the indicative timeline for implementation, and key outputs/deliverables.  Importantly, the GANTT chart in Annex 4.1 lists  the specific activities foreseen in the current work plan organized by IR. Corresponding contract activities are noted in brackets, but annual activities are not sub-divided by contract activities.  This allows for a clear view of  all annual activities and their implementation timeline.

The work plan annexes are:

  • Annex 4.1: Project Implementation GANTT Chart
  • Annex 4.2: Table of Deliverables
  • Annex 4.3: Performance Indicators
  • Annex 4.4: List of Peace and Reconciliation Committees
  • Annex 4.5: Planned Communication Material
  • Annex 4.6: Summary of Collaborative Programs with Other Donors

To facilitate review by USAID and monitoring by the AMPR team, note that the contract deliverables are highlighted in red font.