What’s New on LandLinks – 26 January 2018

Photo by: John Dwyer / The Cloudburst Group

In lieu of our weekly scan of recent land tenure and resource management media items, we are highlighting the latest content on LandLinks at the end of each month. In case you missed it, here is a roundup of the new content on LandLinks, from USAID land-related project documents to blogs by our land experts, and more:

USAID Land Champions and Events

  1. USAID Land Champion: Daler Asrorov (1/11/18)
  2. USAID Land Champion: Silvia Petrova (11/28/17)
  3. Land Tenure and Property Rights MOOC 3.0 (1/8-4/15/18)

Central African Republic: Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development II (PRADD II)

  1. Building Peace in the Diamond Mining Areas of the Central African Republic (11/21/17)

Colombia: Land and Rural Development Project (LRDP)

  1. Bolívar is the Pioneer of Secondary Occupants (1/22/18)
  2. Ownership, Simplified (1/12/18)
  3. Public Land On Display (12/20/17)
  4. There is No Sense in Doing Such a Complex Job to Lose it All in the End (12/7/17)
  5. Coming to Life (11/27/17)

Côte d’Ivoire: Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development II (PRADD II)

  1. Cashew Trees Abuzz in The Diamond Mining Areas of Côte d’Ivoire (12/12/17)
  2. New Technology is Shaking Up The Diamond Mining Industry in Côte d’Ivoire (12/12/17)

Kosovo: Engagement for Equity (E4E)

  1. Property Rights Bring Jobs, Business Growth to Women in Kosovo (12/19/17)

Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS)

  1. Location Matters! LandPKS Can Provide Point-Scale Soil Information (1/22/18)
  2. Online Training for Using the LandPKS App – Available Now! (12/14/17)

Land Technology Solutions (LTS) Project

  1. USAID Mobile Applications: Helping Smallholder Farmers Document Their Land Rights (1/28/18)

The Philippines: Strengthening Urban Resilience for Growth with Equity (SURGE) Project

  1. USAID joins first ASEAN Land Governance Summit in Manila (1/18/18)
