LTA Quarterly Report: October – December 2016

As part of the Feed the Future (FTF) initiative, USAID has invested in several agricultural projects in the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (SAGCOT) and is seeking to develop focused land tenure programming to support USAID’s existing and planned investments in the region.

The Land Tenure Assistance (LTA) activity seeks to clarify and document land ownership, support land use planning efforts, and increase local understanding of land use and land rights. It is anticipated that the interventions will reduce land tenure-related risks and lay the groundwork for sustainable agricultural investment for both smallholders and commercial investors throughout the corridor and in the value chains of focus for Tanzania’s FTF program.

Local sustainability is a critical component of the LTA activity. The goal of this activity is to empower district and village land institutions in the districts targeted by the LTA to carry forward the capacitybuilding and land administration process independently (and with little or no outside financial support or assistance) when LTA concludes.

In carrying out the LTA activity, DAI collaborates and coordinates with the Government of Tanzania and other donor programs in order to produce complementary programming that is timely, cost-effective, and sustainable. DAI coordinates closely with the land tenure programming of other bilateral donors, most notably the Tenure Support Program for Tanzania (ODI) program funded by the UK Department of International Development (DFID), Swedish International Development Agency, and Danish International Development Agency.

DAI also coordinates closely with, and utilizes lessons learned from, the USAID Mobile Application to Secure Tenure (MAST) pilot project, which aims to test an approach for the mapping of land parcels, adjudication, and delivery of Certificates of Customary Right of Occupancy (CCROs) using an open source mobile application.
