This report is an initial assessment of land tenure and property rights in Angola. It was intended to be used to further refine and test land tenure and property rights assessment tools. The assessment tools provide an in-depth rapid land tenure and property rights assessment that would identify and rank important land issues and provide the information needed to design useful interventions. The assessment and the related findings and recommendations are broken down into the following categories: (1) Conflicts and Instability; (2) Insecure Land and Property Rights; (3) Landlessness and Inequitable Land Distribution; (4) Poorly Performing Land Markets; and (5) Unsustainable Natural Resources Management. Each category includes a description of: (1) the team’s on-the-ground assessment; (2) current donor activities in the area; and (3) recommendations for USAID intervention.
Land Tenure and Property Rights Assessment for Angola
March 1, 2005
Monitoring and Evaluation