Colombia Land for Prosperity – Southern Meta and the Vicinity of Chiribiquete National Park: Impact and Performance Evaluation Design Report

This document outlines the approach to the Colombia Land for Prosperity Southern Meta and the Vicinity of Chiribiquete National Park evaluation recommended by the Cloudburst evaluation team, including research questions, research methodology, analytical framework, sampling strategy, analysis plan, and detailed timeline for data collection. The evaluation team wrote this evaluation design report in November 2022; it builds upon the feasibility study previously conducted by NORC and background sections from the NORC feasibility assessment (FA; Albornoz et al., 2022).

As a mixed impact and performance evaluation, the evaluation design outlined here fulfills some of the basic quality elements of an impact evaluation outlined in USAID’s 2020 report Assessing the Quality of Impact Evaluations at USAID. In terms of conceptual framing, the design presents the purpose and intended use of the evaluation, evaluation questions, and theory of change. These are supported with a literature review, are appropriate to the local context, and speak to evaluation hypotheses. The treatment is described in detail, and this report includes outcome measures, sample size, data collection methods, and data analysis methods. The final analysis will include the statistical significance of impact estimates and recommendations closely connected to findings, which will address the practical significance of the findings.

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