PROSPER Guide to Compost Making

This pamphlet will show you how to make compost in a few easy steps. Compost is made by adding layers of different organic materials. As it rots, the layers of material become compost.

There are many different ways to make compost.

We will show you two ways to make compost

  • Making compost in a pit
  • Making compost in a heap

Why use compost?

  • Compost is a free organic fertilizer.
  • It improves soil structure and helps soil to hold water.
  • It provides nutrients to the plants.
  • Compost increases yields.

EPI Presentation: How to Increase Georgia’s Competitiveness – The Case for Public and Private Partnership

On March 17, 2012 a presentation was given on How to Increase Georgia’s Competitiveness: The Case for Public and Private Partnership by Tina Mendelson, Chief of Party, Economic Prosperity Initiative for Deloitte Consulting. The conclusions made from this presentation:

  • Public and private partnerships are critical for increasing competitiveness
  • Available structures and frameworks exist and can be replicated in Georgia
  • Georgia has achieved tremendous reform to date
  • And is now ready for a public-private consensus and national economic strategy to determine Georgia’s place in the 21st century

EPI Report: Training Needs Assessment 

This following is a report of the training needs assessment (TNA) conducted by the USAID-funded Economic Prosperity Initiative (EPI) at the Revenue Service (RS) of Georgia in June 2011. This report explains the approach used to conduct the TNA, outlines the qualitative and quantitative findings, discusses environmental considerations that may impact the RS‘s ability to implement solutions, and makes recommendations for how RS training needs might be addressed.

BPRP Report: August 2009 Women’s Leadership Training

In recent years, the political process in Burundi has been characterized by stalemates and deficits of leadership at various levels. Women and men alike have lacked the training, experience and political skills to move the country forward. Women have worked to make their voices heard and generally have played a constructive albeit limited role, often as advocates of reform. Women represent an untapped resource for the country at a time when more leadership is needed at all levels, in all branches of the government, as well as in civil society.

The Burundi Policy Reform Program’s second year work plan (under Task 5.2.3) set out a plan to train 160 leading female parliamentarians, lawyers, and representatives of the civil society organizations (CSOs) in conflict management and anti-corruption. In December 2008, the first training was delivered to 17 women lawyers. In March 2009 a series of six trainings in conflict management were delivered to 140 women representatives of CSOs and in May 2009 similar training was delivered to 30 women parliamentarians.

This report reviews the training delivered August 10-19, 2009 for 23 women CSO representatives in communication, facilitation, negotiation and mediation as alternative conflict resolution strategies. Although such training was not initially envisioned under Task 5.2.3, it came at the demand of the participants and as a successful continuation of the previous trainings. At the end of Task 5.2.3, the target of 160 women was surpassed, reaching a total of 210 participants.

Training Objectives

The training had two main objectives:

  • To improve participant knowledge and skill in communication, facilitation, negotiation and mediation as alternative conflict resolution strategies.
  • To facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices between the participants in the field of alternative strategies for conflict resolution.

CDR Webinar Presentation

PowerPoint presentation from the May 26 webinar introducing the new Guidelines on Compulsory Displacement and Resettlment in USAID programming.

MAST Workshop Document: June 3, 2016 MAST Performance Evaluation

USAID’s Mobile Application to Secure Tenure (MAST) Lessons Learned Workshop took place on June 3, 2016.

This report presents the findings, conclusions, and recommendations from a performance conducted by the E3 Analytics and Evaluation Project evaluation Development (USAID) Mobile Application to Secure Tenure (MAST) pilot. This performance evaluation concentrates on the first of three sites in which MAST was implemented: the village of Ilalasimba, in the Iringa district in Tanzania. MAST was implemented there from January to June 2015 and was intended to ground truth the methodology that USAID and its implementing partner plan to use in subsequent pilot sites under the MAST project.

The evaluation purpose is to provide USAID and its implementing partners with practical information on the MAST model and draw lessons to refine the implementation approach for future MAST pilot sites, which may inform the scaling on the MAST technology and methodology with the support of the Government of Tanzania (GoT), USAID, or other donors.

World Bank Presentation: Performance Evaluation of Mobile Application to Secure Tenure Pilot

Activity Description

The Mobile Application to Secure Tenure (MAST) project seeks to test the concept of a participatory or “crowdsourced approach” to capturing land rights information using mobile technology, in order to efficiently and affordably map and document land rights. USAID selected Tanzania as the country in which it will carry out the three pilot tests to “ground-truth” the technology, information transfer, and community education/advocacy components of the project’s approach. The MAST pilot fits into USAID’s strategic reform agenda pertaining to the use of science and technology to resolve development problems.

The USAID E3/Land Office funds and oversees the MAST project through its Evaluation, Research, and Communication (ERC) Task Order under the Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights (STARR) Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC), and the implementing partner for the pilot sites in Tanzania is the Cloudburst Consulting Group. Based on encouraging preliminary results, USAID/Tanzania has recently decided to scale MAST in an additional approximately 40 villages in Tanzania’s SAGCOT region.

The MAST project has developed and implemented a new methodology using mobile phone technology to facilitate the process of land registration and administration, as well as a new methodology that employs village youth as “Trusted Intermediaries” who are responsible for mapping the land in their village. The initial pilot was undertaken in the village of Ilalasimba, in Iringa District, and ran from January to July 2015. Work in two additional pilot sites in Iringa Region began in fall 2015, and will conclude by late spring 2016.

TGCC Presentation: USAID Experience Securing Land and Resource Rights for Forest Landscapes

This presentation, given at the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum by Dr. Matthew Sommerville, seeks to describe the experiences of USAID and its implementing partners in strengthening tenure rights around sustainable landscape interventions in a variety of national contexts. It seeks to describe the incremental steps that REDD+ proponents can take around policy and actions.


Presentation Slides: LandPKS Mobile Applications Launch

On April 14, 2015 the Land Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS) program, which aims to increase access to global and local land potential knowledge, hosted a brownbag/webinar marking the global release of its first two mobile applications: Land Info and Land Cover.

Watch the recorded webinar here.